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Meet Our Officers

Michael Trent (Cowboy)

SKPsi President


I believe that in to days society it is important to fell a belonging. That is what SKPsi is here to do is to fill that gap for online students while giving back to our communities and helping each other through our success and failures.

Shawn Corter (Boss Man)

SKPsi Vice President


​I feel we need to offer more to the students of our school, in a way that can help them feel more of a connection or bond with other students. To do this, we have created SKPsi to do just that. Not only does it give the students a sense of belonging, but can ultimately share experiences with each other. It also provides a positive social network, where we can emotionally support one another.


Teresa Myrick (Angel Heart)

SKPsi Secretary 


​My role in SKPsi is to enable all members with access to information about the group, as well as be a helping hand or a listening ear. I feel that I bring organizational skills that help keep everything in order. In this  an organization we accept each other for who we are and treat each other with dignity and respect which enables us to be a stronger more cohesive group!


Holly Helberg (Dark Angel)

SKPsi Treasurer 


I help keep track of all the funds that come in and out and I also have the ability to create different forms that SKPsi uses. Being a part of Sigma Kappa Psi is a blessing and an honor. I joined SKPsi due to the friends that I’m making and the help that I’m receiving. SKPsi has become my second family.



Eric Gilliam (Country Boy)

SKPsi Pledge Educator



John Plackey (Knucklehead)

SKPsi Sgt. at Arms



Laron Robertson (Toughness)

SKPsi Board Member



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