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Rules for membership into Sigma Kappa Psi Fraternity

Candidates must exhibit the qualities of the Fraternity’s Four Cardinal Principles:

  • Loyalty – Remaining true to your Brothers and Sisters at all times.

  • Character – Show Honesty, Integrity, and Good Morals in the face of adversity.

  • Unity – Through it all WE STAND TALL as ONE!

  • Brother/Sisterhood – Forever SKPsi.

  • Active Membership – currently available to any online student (Undergraduate or Graduate) of good moral character and good standing who is currently enrolled as an online student in one or more online courses at Colorado Technical University (CTU). 

    • Undergraduates must possess a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher (in a 4.0 system, or equivalent in a different system) 

    • Graduates must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university 

  • Associate Membership – available to CTU alumni who also was a previous SKPsi active member in good standing at the time of graduation 

  • Faculty Membership –  available to a faculty member of Colorado Technical University 

  • Honorary Membership – currently granted at the discretion of the SKPsi Board as outlined in the fraternity’s By-Laws

Types of Membership

What Being a Part of SKPsi Can Do For You

  • We produce outstanding citizens through Loyalty, Brotherhood, Unity, Service, and Character 

  • We Empower, Uplift, and Unite all online students of this university through academic and networking support

  • We serve our school and communities

  • We are model citizens and role models 

  • We set the standards for all present and future members of Sigma Kappa Psi

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